1/2 mile Lines at the Vatican...

This morning we showed up at 8:15am to get in line for the Vatican museum. The linwood was already a half-mile long... But at 9 am we started moving and were done with the entire thing by noon.

In fron of us were two catholic priest students... Beylhind us were nuns.... And a out 200 thousand more (at least)...

I should have known... On the last Sunday of the month, the Vatican is free to the public for 4 hours....

The sistene chapel was cool though...

I dolci di pattizio Cosi... Insane pastry and coffee

I went to dinner with my local friend, Brian last night and he gave me a whole bunch of things to see today! We started with one of his favorite pastry and coffee shops.

One of the better 3 Euros I spent!!! It's so great to go to places recommended by a local.

A few words from Florence...

Arrived in Florence today... Chloe gives an audio update below... Basically an Insane day with a real-live gondola ride in the morning and a train ride to Florence. We did a 'home-away' program where we rented an apartment in Florence.. It beats any hotel i've ever stayed and it is cheaper by far.

Of course we had to have gelato in Florence and 'Vivoli' is one of the most famous... Pictures above prove the source...

We have three nights here. I have insane pictures but you don't get to see them yet... They are all on my camera. And I'm only posting when I can from the iPhone...

As they say on the corner meat market, 'ciaou'...

Europe... Slowed down, analog style...

No matter what you say... I had a hard time without the phone or Internet... So I'm keeping a journal... Plain ol' pencil and paper... Nice for a change... Italy is also very much analog, despite the fact I see people with phones... But they do just fine. Chloe and I are keeping journals... And she keeps me on it which is great...

 It's late... And I have to see thousands of cracks in the Venetian plaster tomorrow.

Sent vi@ iPhone

A few words about publishing...

<premise> this was a demonstration... to influence, show and demonstrate to... one of the most amazing photographers (Susan Meiselas) the construct of what is going on inside the world of real-time personal publishing... I had a mobile device, I had a recorder (iPhone) and a camera.... and I had about 4.5 minutes...

So began the description of how the 'following' of something (or someone) was going to be the next biggest thing for a creative individual...

Amazing 45 minutes... to spend with someone who has seen (and photographed) much of the world I have never seen, but only captured in 1/30th of a second for over 40 years.

Evolution is a blend of oil and water... and at times it is painful... until it becomes emulsified by something (or someone) that holds the creative molecules together...

if that didn't make any sense what-so-ever... it was a good meeting.

we all want to be a 'part' of something.