First pair of vans slip-ons

Tuck got his first pair of Vans today... With checks on them. Rockin'

I got my first lair when u was in third grade... Stayed up late, drew
about 10 pictures with endless variations! Custom ordered my first
pair... Of course they also had checks...


Waiting for fireworks...

Caught this in Santa Barbara moments beforethe fireworks started...

(for a cell phone.. Not half bad)


The light... Oooh the light

The light in early evening in santa barbara is really amazing. It
touches everything with a golden glow... Lovely.

Here's my buddy...

We went downtown tonight to have dinner and see 'first thursday' to
see some cool art.

Family dinner

We had a fun family dinner together... Italian...


Getting ready for dinner ...

We had a full day of sun and beach... Now we're off to dinner and
'first thursday' to see art and galleries.