My little Robin Hood...

Tucker was in his first play tonight! He got the lead role as Robin Hood and did a fantastic job! It was fun to see how this little guy worked so hard and to see it pay off. Way ot go Tucker!

The entire group put on a great performance!

Build a bear - Teddy Roosevelt

Meet 'Wuzzington', Tucker's bear. He gave him a heart, a name and
learned all about Teddy Roosevelt. It's great they allow them to just
be kids...

Soccer, then school dinner...

Fun couple hours where we had a soccer game then went directly to Tucker's school and had a school-wide dinner social... he's all tuckered out.


Tucker and Lori had a special day at seascape today!

Flashback: Aquarium fieldtrip

Tucker did a field trip in 2008 with his kindergarden class. It was the first time either of us had gone to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.