Tuck and Chloe have been at practice this week getting ready for their Christmas concert on Friday night. Here's Tucker with a little gem of a song...
kids had a halloween parade today at school where they got to test drive their costumes and look fantastic. Chloe is delightful as a fifties poodle skirt girl and tuck is the man as an inspired 'greaser'... as tuck would say, "dad, I look like John travilota."
A busy morning, followed by some chores and work around the house... Enjoying that our backyard is *almost* done! Nice to be in the back yard, with the laptop, just chillin!
Pictures today, and there's a lot to do. We got a tram picture and got to meet a pro player from San Jose... Cool.
For the last three weeks it has been non-stop activities. Finally a couple hours to chill with the kids at the pool.
We had a full day planned for Tucker yesterdayand one of the things he wanted to do is hit golfballs... So we grabbed a cart, drove around, and hit a bucket of balls.... Pure bliss!
Tuck showed me some work he did at school. I loved this one about summer.
Mr. future baseball star... and one of his favorite sports these days.
carolsel, playground and a look over the city. It was great!