A golden reunion...

Every year our beloved heather has a reunion. We never go, but this year we did. Over thirty golden retreivers in peteluma...

It was amazing to see the genetics in play... A bunch of brothers, sisters and cousins that all look like eachother.

Family camp: day 3

A day of courage and crafts... Chloe and I did a ropes course in the redwoods... 100 feet above the forest floor. Tucker and I built (and decorated) a water rocket out of a 2 liter bottle.

We finished it off with a dance revolution and s'mores...


Day 2: family camp

Some really fun activities today, including a climbing wall, rope course and archery. We're off to dinner and evening activities.

1st day of school.

I have a fifth grader and a 2nd grader that started today. All very exciting. They met their teachers and checked out all the 'new-ness' of it all.


I thought of my grandparents today...

I was going through old photos and thought of my late grandparents today. Graham Howard ( 'Bopi' we would call him ) and Kathleen.
this picture was taken in 1991 in San Diego.


Fun with the giants...

We had a nice outing at the giants game today, before we're back to school next week.
